10: Ancient Lemuria, Planetary Shifts, & Divine Consciousness with Charmian Redwood

by | Apr 5, 2023 | Episodes

In this episode, Jill talks with Spiritual Teacher Charmian Redwood.  After Charmian had a near death experience or NDE, she connected with the Divine Essence within herself which ignited her purpose for helping others connect with their own God Presence.  She has written three books, all from the state of hypnosis, spanning the Ancient Civilization of Lemuria, the energy shift of the earth, and the Blessed Mother Mary.  Charmian offers Authentic Self-Hypnosis Sessions, Akashic Soul Record Information, and Personal Channeled Readings from Ascended Masters.  Charmian teaches Lightworker Self-Empowerment Classes, and offers Sound Bath Healings with Crystal Bowls, Gongs, and Chimes.  

Charmian Redwood’s Contact Information is through her website:  cominghometolemuria.com   

Charmian’s Videos are available through her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@charmianredwood⁠

Upcoming Events include:  Easter Monday April 10th, 2023 – Live Zoom Event at:  10 am PST, 7am HST, 1 pm EST, 6 pm UK, 7 pm CET. 

A complete list of events & offerings can be found on Charmian’s website.  Charmian’s books include:  Coming Home to Lemuria, New Earth Rising, & At Mother Mary’s Table, which are available on Amazon.  Please see Charmian’s website for details.

For more information you can find Jill Militzer at:



Disclaimer:  This podcast in intended for spiritual, intuitive, and artistic conversations.  It should not be substituted for appropriate Medical, Psychological, or Veterinary care.  Jill is not a healthcare professional, nor does she offer Medical, Psychological or Veterinary advice.  The topics discussed on this show span intuitive awareness for people and animals, as well as spiritual understanding for personal development.  Please seek Medical, Mental Health, or Veterinary help if you need to.

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