Hello Inner You – Can you hear Spirit calling?

I’m Jill your Host, and this is my artistically intuitive podcast where all things mystical, creatively mix & mingle. I invite you to listen to my solo episodes & one-on-one interviews with guests in the field of Holistic Awareness.  Topics discussed on the show span intuitive information for people and animals as well as artistic and spiritual awareness for personal development.  We’ll talk about everything from Art to Angels, Reiki to Writing, and the Psychic Nudges only our soul knows.

Thanks so much for joining me!

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Jill’s Media Appearances

Beyond the Reiki Gateway Podcast

Jill discusses the importance of incorporating Earth Wisdom rituals to connect more fully with Nature Spirits, as well as the mystical realm of Fairies.  She shares how her new book about Nature Spirits or Allies came to be, and why listening to your intuition is so important for spiritual development.

Psychic Teachers Podcast

In this episode, Jill talks about Earth Wisdom, how to spiritually cleanse and bless your home, and the power of intuitive development.  Jill shares her Reiki journey and how it led her to finding Shamanism, working with Nature Spirits, and the cosmic connection of oneness.

Hello Inner You Podcast

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