Why Intuitive Animal Wellness is Important 

Animals require mutual respect from humankind in order to trust, communicate, and co-exist peacefully with one another.  Animals have souls, and connect with us to help heal our issues while assisting in our life lessons.

When Can Intuitive Information Offer Insight?

Life events altering your job or schedule, and even taking a vacation can affect your animal’s emotional well being whereby intuitive insight can shed helpful information.  In addition, your pet’s daily activities, groomer visits, and the all important veterinary visit are a big part of your pet’s thoughts and feelings.

Marriage, divorce, and welcoming a new baby can also significantly impact a pet’s life.  An animal’s relationship with other animal companions, their own health, and crossing over to The Other Side are extremely important to consider when addressing an animal’s behavior and comfort care.    

What Do Intuitive Animal Wellness Sessions Offer? 

An Intuitive Animal Wellness Session combines Reiki with Intuitive Communication.  Reiki connects with Universal Life Force Energy, in turn, opening up the ability to intuitively communicate between pet and person.  Think of this as a psychic cell phone.  Once you connect with an animal (or call them) you are also connecting with the Universal Life Force Energy of all that is (the phone line.)  Reiki is a means by which to do this. 

Our pets need the opportunity to both relax and communicate with the least amount of effort possible.  Animal Intuition and Reiki are a winning combination, which is why I call my Sessions ~ Intuitive Animal Wellness.  Distant Sessions are so effective because they don’t require travel and are perfect for pets that are shy, ill, or have anxiety.  

I offer Intuitive Animal Wellness Sessions from my studio space to an animal client through specific  techniques as taught by Animal Reiki Pioneer, Kathleen Prasad.  Having studied with respected Psychics & Mediums from the Arthur Findlay College in the U.K. as well as Energy Teachers from around the world, I’m able to provide the best service possible for your beloved animal companion.